Sensor Technology

Sensors play a critical role in creating smart water systems, revolutionizing the way we manage and conserve the precious water resource.

Here's why sensors are so important:

  1. Data Collection: Sensors continuously collect data on various parameters such as water quality, flow rates, pressure levels, temperature, concentrations of gases such as NO2, H2S, O2, and etc., and even machine conditions. This real-time data provides insights into the current state of water systems, helping identify issues promptly and make informed decisions.

  2. Early Detection of Leaks and Contamination: By monitoring water flow and quality, sensors can detect leaks in pipelines and identify contamination sources early on. This helps prevent wastage of water and ensures the supply of clean, safe water to consumers.

  3. Optimizing Water Distribution: Sensors enable precise monitoring of water distribution networks, allowing utilities to optimize water flow and pressure. This helps reduce losses due to leaks or inefficient distribution, leading to significant water conservation and cost savings.

  4. Predictive Maintenance: Sensors can detect abnormalities in equipment such as pumps and valves, enabling predictive maintenance. By addressing issues before they escalate, utilities can minimize downtime, prolong equipment lifespan, and ensure uninterrupted water supply.

  5. Water Quality Monitoring: Ensuring water quality is crucial for public health. Sensors equipped with advanced technologies can detect contaminants, pollutants, and changes in water chemistry, allowing authorities to take corrective actions promptly and maintain compliance with regulatory standards.

  6. Flood Monitoring and Management: In areas prone to flooding, sensors can monitor water levels in rivers, reservoirs, and drainage systems. This data helps authorities forecast and respond to flood events effectively, mitigating risks to lives and property.

  7. Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability: By providing accurate, real-time data, sensors empower water utilities to operate more efficiently and sustainably. This includes optimizing energy usage, reducing carbon emissions, and minimizing environmental impact.

  8. Consumer Engagement: Smart water meters equipped with sensors enable consumers to monitor their water usage in real-time, promoting water conservation and helping them identify opportunities to reduce consumption and save money.

Overall, sensors are indispensable tools for creating smart water systems that enhance resilience, efficiency, and sustainability in water management, ensuring the availability of clean water for generations to come. Denmark is very strong in developing sensor technologies. We are now uniting the Danish sensor technology companies to provide integrated solutions to cooperate with the Chinese water utilities. 

Nitrate and Nitrite sensor

The Danish sensor technology development company, Just-measure ApS, is a leading company specializing in innovative sensor technology development. The company has now developed the measurement solutions for of NO-3 and NO-2 in both drinking and wastewater. Founded with a vision to revolutionize the way of NO-3 and NO-2 measurement, Just-measure has now combined cutting-edge technology with Danish precision engineering to deliver highly accurate and reliable NO-3 and NO-2 measurement solutions.

Liquid phase H2S sensor

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) poses a dual-edged challenge in the wastewater systems. Firstly, the toxic gas leads to immediate issues as foul odours impact nearby communities and jeopardize the safety of workers. Secondly, the corrosive nature of H2S has significant long-term consequences for valuable sewer assets such as concrete pipes may deteriorate within a mere 10-20 years instead of their expected lifespan of 50-100 years. 

There are many tools and techniques to mitigate H2S emission through eliminating the formed H2S and through limiting the formation of H2S. However, if there is no reliable and thorough insights into the true scale and dynamics of the problem, it will not be able to take proactive actions to have a efficient strategy to control the H2S emission. Realtime online monitoring of H2S, especially its concentration in the water phase is the necessity to have such insights. SulfiLoggerTMH2S sensor is, in the world today, the only sensor that can monitor dissolved H2S.

The SulfiLoggerTMsensor is developed and manufactured by SulfiLogger A/S in Denmark. The company has developed various sensors for the measurement of dissolved gasses for the past 20 years, and has longstanding and thorough experience within the field of sensor construction, development, and application for research institutes, universities and the industry. The first generation of H2S sensors were hand fabricated and custom-built for each user. Over the years the company has developed several customized versions for the specific needs of each research group. Based on a need from the industrial users to obtain more precise measurements of H2S levels in sewage systems, oil & gas facilities, and biogas production, the company has developed an H2S sensor for industrial purposes – the SulfiLoggerTM sensor.

Machine condition sensor

EWA Sensors, founded in 2020 by Eva Kühne, is dedicated to advancing embedded condition monitoring sensors. The company leverages extensive expertise in condition monitoring, signal processing, and algorithm design, backed by certifications from institutions like the Mobius Institute and Vibration Institute. Specializing in robust sensor monitoring circuits and advanced algorithms, EWA Sensors integrates multiple sensor technologies to offer reliable machine insights. Their sensors, tailored for rotating machinery, deliver high-quality data crucial for predictive maintenance.

In 2024, EWA Sensors remains the leader in providing high-quality data sensors in the world. The foundation of EWA Sensors lies in edge-based IoT sensors for rotating machines, which specify operational and fault parameters through signature analysis in vibration and magnetic field domains. Utilizing all relevant measuring techniques and adhering to ISO standard 18436-2, these sensors combine theoretical and practical knowledge for precise monitoring.

The EWA sensor functions both as a stand-alone device for condition monitoring and as a pre-processing unit, delivering high-quality data for AI and cloud platforms. This dual capability ensures that EWA Sensors continues to innovate and deliver value-driven, user-friendly solutions in the industrial sector, maintaining its position at the forefront of sensor technology.

Unisense Environment A/S was founded in 2013 with focus on sensor technology for industrial applications. Data capture from robust and precise sensor systems play a central role in the realization of the fourth industrial revolution. Enabling seamless online measurement and process management is the vision of the company.

Unisense Environment A/S develops and manufactures N2O wastewater system, which provides robust and reliable real-time N2O measurements of wastewater. With the N2O Wastewater System, you get a valuable tool to understand the biological processes that lead to N2O formation and emission. Once installed, the N2O Wastewater Sensor will provide you with real-time data around the clock. This makes it possible for you to directly monitor and control the N2O emission from your wastewater treatment plant.

Lowering aeration to a minimum has been a popular strategy at many wastewater treatment plants to achieve energy savings and cost reduction. However, research shows that this leads to increased production and emission of nitrous oxide. When you apply the data from the N2O Wastewater System to balance between aeration savings and N2O production, you can achieve energy savings and a documented positive environmental impact.